Martial Arts

north-east ju-jitsu and kobudo association

Hartlepool Ju-Jitsu Club

Come along and train with us in Japanese Ju-Jitsu on Monday and/or Friday nights.

7pm – 8pm for both children & adults. Your first class is FREE!


Hartlepool Wadokai Karate Club,

126 Whitby Street South,


TS24 7LP

More Info?

Contact Sensei Dominic O’Donovan :  07951245852

Or find us at our Facebook group below…

Why Ju-Jitsu?

Ju-Jitsu is a non-competitive self-defensive martial art suitable for all ages and abilities. We combine throws, joint locks, strikes, kata and weapons into an extensive syllabus from red belt to black belt and beyond. You can even train in just the Kobudo weapons syllabus if that’s more your thing – 12pm Saturdays at Thornaby Pavillion.

A girl doing martial arts with sai